Back at it (for real!)

This week I returned to the emergency department and worked two shifts at Mayo Clinic! I can't explain how great it felt to get back "home" and work with my team. The nurses, techs, physicians, unit coordinators, everyone has been so gracious during my time away. It was incredible to come back to them.  I made a goal while I was in the hospital to get back to the Emergency Department in January -- and I achieved that goal on 30 January, almost 4 1/2 months after the injury. It'll take me a bit to work up to full time, and for now I'm partnered with one of my colleagues ... but soon I'll learn how to do this without running over people's feet. I truly believe that my experience over the last months -- and my "new normal" in a wheelchair -- will make me a more compassionate and empathetic physician.  

I will also likely join a healthcare-focused business in the near future. I strongly believe in the role of business to transform healthcare, and my passion extends beyond the practice of medicine to working through markets to impact patient care.
