
September 3 - January 19  (and really, a few days before September 3rd, cause we were biking up North and having fun!)

After a week at North Memorial Medical Center, 65 days at Mayo Clinic, and 66 days at Courage Kenny, I was discharged home on Friday, 19 January 2018.

The transition was less anxiety-provoking than the move from Mayo to Kenny. My contractor had done an incredible job getting my home (particularly my bathroom) ready for me come home. My parents did more than I'll ever even be aware of, and lived at a hotel for the 2 months at Mayo and in my cramped condo loft full of my crap and clothes for 2 months while I was at Kenny. 

We had new furniture delivered Friday afternoon (a bed that fit the room and a couch I could get into and out of). And then had a few friends over for a drink. 

There's a long way to go. We need to reorganize my home so I can get to dishes. I need to learn to navigate safely from the shower to the bed. And figure out how to cook again. Oh, and I need to return to work. This is a major milestone, to be sure, but it's one more step in a long process. 
