Missing a friend

This week we lost a wonderful human being and a dear friend to many — Robert Clifford Johnson (BJ or Beej).

I first met BJ when I was in high school and my brother was at St. Olaf College and in the St. Olaf Choir. BJ (along with Dr. Anton Armstrong) recruited me to St. Olaf. From that time, he became an incredibly close friend. I worked for Beej during my entire time at St. Olaf, and learned innumerable life and business lessons from him. What always amazed me about Beej was his ability to connect with humans and to be his authentic self.

After my accident, and before his diagnosis with ALS, BJ visited frequently and at every hospital I was in. When we were on family vacation and he was nearby on his vacation, we found time to connect as a family. He and Sigrid, his wife, showed incredible love to me and to our entire family. After his diagnosis, we talked when we could — he was often fatigued and short of breath. But his joy of life and spirit were on display every time we spoke. My brother, Aaron, and I had an opportunity to share with BJ how much he meant to us (and to many others) at a celebration of his life in May 2019.


I’m reminded today that it is never too late to call someone you love - or someone who has made an impact on your life - and to tell them thank you. It is never too late to celebrate someone’s life while they are able to celebrate with you. Take the time to make the phone call you’ve been putting off making.

Thank you, Beej, for being an incredible friend for 20 years. I love you and I’ll miss you.